About a few months ago, our dog, Zorro, left our house to go to our mom’s field. This was because he was very old and tired and could not handle being around two around tho two younger dogs that we had ( who played a bit ruff). I however was not too happy about him leaving our house considering that he had been living with us for the past 12 years. My mom convinced me that he was going to be okay and he was, for the first week. For the first week that he was at the field, he was pretty comfy and everything seemed to okay. He then however dug hole under the gate. For another week he was lost until we eventually found him. Unfortunately it didn’t take a very long time for him to do the the exact same thing and escape again. This time however, no one found him. This made me furious as the guards should have kept a better eye on him. When my brother came back from trip to the states, I felt bad having to break the news to him, as he was the one to pick him up from the streets when he was a puppy. As expected he did indeed feel bad. This time when my mom tried convincing me that everything was going to be okay, I did not listen. I still have not seen him to this day and have started blaming myself for not better appreciating it when he was there. I’ve known him for as long as I can remember now so this was very emotionally draining for me. For numerous, nights this would keep me up. Although I found this very sad, I was still able to able to recover. Also This did however teach me a very valuable lesson, which was to appreciate things while they lasted.